Considering the effects of global warming, environmental protection and sustainabilty are more important than ever. There is an urgent need to rethink and take immediate action.We face up to this responsibility and can realise our vision already as of 2021.

H.D. Cotterell is a carbon neutral company since 2021!

We have thus significantly shortened the period we set for realisation. With our low carbon services we also support our customers in their efforts to achieve their own environmental goals. As a basis for our changes, we created CO2 footprints since 2018 to make our savings measureable and comparable. Below you see an overview of our Co2 emissions for 2018 and 2019 and our reduction of our CO2 emissions of 28% in total:

2018 2019 Reduction of  CO2e
CO2e (in kos) 478.068 403.653 16%
Container logistics CO2e (in kos) 293.664 155.722 47%
Total CO2e (in kos) 771.732 559.375 28%
2018 carbon footprint 2019 carbon footprint

Our efforts lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. All remaining emissions we compensate by participating in the “Tropical Mix” climate protection project. In this project, degenerated land is being reforested into mixed forests. Sustainable wood production and cocoa cultivation are promoted, which in turn leads to employment and therefore to an improvement in the economic and social situation of the respective population.

We would like to invite you to take a look at our implementation methods on the next page: